Squirrel Control In Cheshire

Squirrel Fact File

What do squirrels look like?
• Grey fur
• 9 inch body
• Short front legs and longer back limbs
• Distinctive bushy tail
How fast do squirrels multiply?

Twice a year, squirrels give birth to 6-8 kittens. Squirrels can live up to six years.

Where do squirrels live?

Squirrels prefer to build their nests high up. They often find attics and lofts as attractive places to nest. Otherwise they chew holes into tree trunks or build nests with twigs and leaves.

What are the signs of a squirrel infestation?
• Large holes in walls 
• Loud squeaks and scampering sounds
• A strong smell 
• Removal of bark from trees
• Uprooting of bulbs and seeds

We offer pest control services to all businesses throughout Cheshire and the North West, at the same rates as our domestic service meaning professional pest control need no longer be a major expense.

Working for food outlets, pubs, children’s nurseries and nursing homes, to riding stables and large retail parks we have vast experience in all situations. In addition to dealing with any current problem you may have, we also offer tailor made service agreements that include regular visits to keep your premises pest free.
With our excellent service record we have never felt the need to tie anyone to a legally binding contract that just serves the pest control company.

Commercial Pest Control